Vomit Reality: Why VR makes some of us feel sick and how to make it stop
Did you know that during a flight that experiences turbulence, more than 25 percent of the passengers will experience symptoms of motion sickness? And a fairly big proportion of them will likely throw up? Many of us are used to the symptoms of motion sickness as we travel – nausea, sweating and headaches – but we’ll pop an anti-nausea pill, take some ginger or just wait it out, because it’s an inevitability.
Now Sony’s PlayStation VR is promising to take the tech mainstream but more and more people are reporting that they experience symptoms of motion sickness while they’re wearing VR headsets. When you’ve forked out a fortune for the tech and most likely bought it for entertainment or educational purposes, it’s not as easy to ignore your symptoms or just hope they pass.
We wanted to explore why we experience motion sickness when we wear VR headsets, who feels the symptoms the most and what tech companies are doing to address the problems. This is a big deal because VR headsets may be used mainly for gaming and light entertainment for now, but if VR ends up playing a huge role in everything from on-the-job training to education to healthcare as it’s expected to, it needs to be as comfortable, easy-to-use and non-discriminatory as possible.